Acerca de mim

Amarante, Portugal

quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008

"Aqui moro eu"

Longe de tudo, perdida e esquecida, moro eu …
Trancada nas trémulas entranhas do coração, que palpita…
Num sôfrego bater, longe de tudo, mas perto de mim! Aqui estou eu…
Numa ansiedade que me dilacera a alma e me consome o corpo, vejo-me perdida e enclausurada nesse teu olhar penetrante dono de mim mesma, que me invade as memórias de outrora …
Num quente observar das colinas que se avizinham diante de nós, como se, se afastassem num tormentoso caminhar da lonjura, somos chamados a lá habitar.
Buraco, longínquo e impenetrável, apetecível de viver, clama gritos de loucura numa ânsia de nos ter!
Picos emergentes de um fundo sem término, sem corpos desgastados e mutilados pela história, de onde se deslindam os segredos mais esquecidos e escondidos pelo passar dos anos e séculos!
Numa voz que estremece a fina redundância dos cumes desnudados desta terra, estonteante som incentiva-nos a mergulhar neste plácido, fino e espesso negrume que nos esconde a mente dos olhares indiscretos transmitidos para fora do mundo que julgamos irreal e imparcial ao que estamos a viver.
Perto de mim, mas longe de tudo, a voz sonante esbate pequenos tosados nas frágeis aurículas do meu ser e consome tudo o que a estrela magnata dos sonhos me deixa elevar!
A lonjura de um tão perto estar, gela o fogo imanado dos poros de uma epiderme, transpirada, ardente e chamativa de um acto infernal de todo não impossível, não pela certeza do longe, mas sim pelo absoluto do perto!
Camada fina de transeuntes que esvaída em suor se esgota na sua essência de ser tão credível e tão translúcida para quem a vislumbra.
Ténue cortina abrange a sua separação…
A transparência imitada deixa vislumbrar uma adoração de divindade inexistente a todos os outros, mas aclamada como um doce veneno por ele… Percorrendo o vadio olhar pelo corpo aveludado e derretido, não pelo toque, mas pela essência, a capacidade do controle torna-se mais numa devassa certeza do profano…
Longe de tudo, mas perto de mim!
Aqui estou eu!
Aqui moro eu!

Maio de 2008

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

got a feeling inside, it's a certain kind
I feel hot and cold deep down in my soul
I said i can't explain, i'm feeling good now baby

I'm dizzy in my head and i'm feeling blue
Things you've said, well maybe they're true
I'm getting funny dreams again and again
I know what it means but

Can't explain, i think it's love
Try to say it to you when i feel blue
But i can't explain (can't explain)
Just hear what i'm saying baby (can't explain)

Dizzy in the head and i'm feeling bad
Things you've said got me real mad
I'm getting funny dreams again and again
I know what it means but

Can't explain, i think it's love
Try to say it to you when i feel blue
But i can't explain (can't explain)
Just hear me one more time baby (can't explain)

Dizzy in the head and i'm feeling bad
Things you've said got me real mad
I'm getting funny dreams again and again
I know what it means but

Can't explain, i think it's love
Try to say it to you when i feel blue
But i can't explain (can't explain)
Just hear me one more time baby (can't explain)

She drive me out of my mind (can't explain)
She drive me out of my mind (can't explain)
You drive me out of my my my my my my my mind (can't explain)
You drive me out of my mind (can't explain)
You drive me out of my mind (can't explain)
Oooh yeah, i can't explain...

I can't explain baby!

Anónimo disse...

got a feeling inside, it's a certain kind
I feel hot and cold deep down in my soul
I said i can't explain, i'm feeling good now baby

I'm dizzy in my head and i'm feeling blue
Things you've said, well maybe they're true
I'm getting funny dreams again and again
I know what it means but

Can't explain, i think it's love
Try to say it to you when i feel blue
But i can't explain (can't explain)
Just hear what i'm saying baby (can't explain)

Dizzy in the head and i'm feeling bad
Things you've said got me real mad
I'm getting funny dreams again and again
I know what it means but

Can't explain, i think it's love
Try to say it to you when i feel blue
But i can't explain (can't explain)
Just hear me one more time baby (can't explain)

Dizzy in the head and i'm feeling bad
Things you've said got me real mad
I'm getting funny dreams again and again
I know what it means but

Can't explain, i think it's love
Try to say it to you when i feel blue
But i can't explain (can't explain)
Just hear me one more time baby (can't explain)

She drive me out of my mind (can't explain)
She drive me out of my mind (can't explain)
You drive me out of my my my my my my my mind (can't explain)
You drive me out of my mind (can't explain)
You drive me out of my mind (can't explain)
Oooh yeah, i can't explain...

I can't explain baby!

I think it sends a bit of the contents of the post,
but will be your consideration.

you know this?


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